Protecting your home sweet home

Protecting your home sweet home

Hong Kong has a humid subtropical climate and has experienced several strong typhoons in recent years. During tropical cyclones, rainstorms and other adverse weather conditions, many households’ air-conditioners and windows were damaged. Wind-blown rain is also likely to enter through gaps around window seals or doors.
Human negligence such as leaving the water tap on when you are away can cause water seepage that leads to serious damages in ceilings, wall linings, floor, electrical wiring and personal items on the property. The cost of replacement or maintenance may exceed expectations at any time. The amount of home insurance claims involving water damage can range from a few thousands to several hundred thousands of Hong Kong dollars.
QBE’s Home Plus Protection package covers all your valuables from clothing, handbags, electronic goods to jewelleries and more. It also includes optional domestic helpers’ employer liability protection and personal valuables protection. If you’re a tenant, you can also consider protection for your personal belongings.
*Subject to terms and conditions
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